The obvious answer is, “As often as it is necessary for you to maintain a stable oral environment, free of disease and inflammation.” Of course, whatever that answer might be today will change over time depending upon many variables. Age, medications taken, prior dental history and restoration, stress levels, diet, and changes in host resistance all interact clinically.
The time and effort you expend at home also varies over time and is often dictated by external events. Since we are trying to control an opportunistic disease process, it is not uncommon to see flare-ups when our home care drops below optimum levels.
The team at Northport Family Dental spends a lot of time monitoring the results of your efforts and how effective they are. Based on what we see, we’ll make our recommendations as to how often you should be seen, re-evaluate the effectiveness of your home care, and help you refine your technique for maximum effectiveness. A little encouragement can go a long way toward achieving a healthy mouth.
As an example, a patient previously seen every three months due to an underlying periodontal condition may see improvements due to lifestyle changes. Visits every four months or even twice a year may now be adequate to maintain health.
On the other hand, systemic illness, life stresses, and medication may change the oral environment such that someone who had no issues previously suddenly develops problems. More frequent visits may be necessary in order to maintain health and avoid larger and deeper problems. Recognition is key.